Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Fiction vs. The Underdog

Recently a coworker of mine suggested a book too add to my reading list. I immediately got excited. A fresh, undiscovered book always awakens stormy feeling's inside of me. I automatically started imagining a lovely romance, a chilling mystery or even a light hearted comedy. I naturally lean towards any of these fiction books usually. Sometimes escaping reality is like a good shrink. Make believe is better than reality any day right? This has always been my thought process, until I came across the book "Outcast United". It is based on a true story of a soccer team, their coach and the small town where they play and live. I immediatly googled the book to find out more.

"Theirs is a story about resillience, the power of one person to make a difference and the daunting challenge of creating community in a place where people seem to have little in common." (www.outcastunited.com)

As I read over these words I felt a small "pang" in my heart. It dawned on me that that even though this book was not my regular cup of tea, it was something even better. This is a underdog story. This was the come from behind, triumphant story I have been yearning for. I always route for the underdog, in real life or not. Lets face it. No matter who we are or how far we have come, we all need a little inspiration in our lives. We need to know that their is more that one "point of view" of the world, other than our own. I have added this book to my reading list. I encourage everyone to click on the link and check out the latest on the team and their families.


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