Saturday, September 10, 2011

My new book club adventure!

Recently some friends of mine thought it would be a good idea to get a book club together. I was a little weary at first, not because I don't love books. Anyone who knows me knows my extreme love for books. I was just unsure about whether we could all agree on one type of book. Everyone has different taste. I tend to lean more towards fiction novels including mysteries and stories with a strong female lead. I am happy to report that the book club is a big hit in my book. Our official name is "Perspectives". The name fits our group like a glove. We are 5 strong woman who all come from different backgrounds. We all have different takes on the books we read and bring that to the table every couple months. I believe that this book club will make me not only a better writer but a better person. I am am learning how to speak my mind and get my points across strategically. Our next meeting is October 2nd. I am finishing up our book "Committed" in anticipation of our next gathering. I will be updating with my ideas soon!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

October Read-A-Thon!

It's almost that time again folks. October 22nd is the next Dewey's Read-A-Thon. I had such a good time last April participating. Thank you all for the support and cheerleading. For those of you that didn't get a chance to participate last April, grab your books and coffee. It's another 24hrs of straight reading coming up next month. Don't worry! There will be plenty of games and challenges to keep you motivated, and lets not forget the prizes. I am volunteering for the marketing committee this year to help get the word out. Any good book suggestions? I am starting to get my reading material together now! Last time I didn't make it the full 24hrs but this time around I am determined. Please let me know if you have any questions. I had a little trouble posting the link but if you google Dewey's 24 hour Read-A-Thon it will pop up.

New Read!

Hello all my book worms! I have been away for a while but my reading has not stopped. In the last few months I have had time to get quite a bit of traveling in and complete a few more books. My current read is called "Committed" by Elizabeth Gilbert. This is the sequel to "Eat Pray Love" which was a big hit worldwide. I have to admit it took me a while to get into the first book but I am very pleased to announce my excitement over Ms. Gilbert's sequel. it is an excellent read so far. Any woman who is in a relationship or previously engaged in one can relate to this book. Marriage is a big topic in this book and I have found myself asking questions and learning so much right along with the author. I have never been married, but as many woman it is definitely something i would love to succeed at. I will update you all on my progress as i read more of the book. Has anyone read or is reading "Committed"? Please feel free to share any thoughts or feelings you may have. Talk to you soon!